Food 10 years ago

7 Ways to Eat Chia Seeds

As you guys might remember from my Healthy, Beautiful, You post, one of the things I started doing after I got pregnant was putting chia seeds in my water. Especially being a mom now (can you believe it??), I need to be the healthiest I can. After a while though, not going to lie .. Drinking chia seeds day after day can get pretty repetitive. So today, I’m sharing with you guys 7 different & creative ways to eat chia seeds!

1. Breakfast Topper

Whether its waffles or eggs.. sprinkling a little chia seeds over your breakfast can make getting your daily intact of chia seeds super easy! The best part is you can’t even tell if there are chia seeds because the texture and taste of your breakfast overpowers these little seeds.

2. Grilling Meat Sauce

Adding chia seeds to your seasoning sauce can be a subtle and healthy addition to your meats. Not to mention it’ll look very gourmet!

3. Egg Substitute

 Chia seeds can be used as a quick and easy egg replacement perfect for cakes, cookies or any other recipe requiring eggs. This is a great option for vegans and those allergic to chicken eggs. Personally I think I prefer the benefits of chia seeds over eggs every now and then!

4. Chia Seed Jam

 Make homemade jam that is delectable and nourishing in under 20 minutes with this no-canning-involved recipe!


1. 1 lb frozen blackberries (or any other berries of your choice)

2. 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

3. 3 tablespoons chia seeds

4. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Blend all ingredients together

2. Refrigerate for 30 minutes, allowing the chia seeds to absorb into the liquid

5. Chia Pudding

When mixed with any liquid substances, chia seeds swell up resembling a consistency similar to tapioca- thick, creamy, and a bit gelatinous. Packed with nutritional benefits, this chia seed pudding is perfect for breakfast but with just a little drizzle of honey and other sweet toppings, it can be enjoyed for dessert as well.

Ingredients: for one serving

1. ¼ cup chia seeds

2. 1 cup vanilla almond milk

3. 1 tsp vanilla extract

4. 2 tbsp maple syrup

5. 1 cup plain greek yogurt

6. a pinch of salt


1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl; let stand for 30 minutes and stir to distribute clumped seeds

2. Cover and refrigerate overnight

3. Pudding will continue to thicken as it sits, so feel free to thin it out with a splash of almond milk or coconut milk before eating

6. Thickener

This one is really great because instead of using cornstarch, I’ve started opting for chia seeds to thicken soups, stews, sauces and marinades. Be careful not to add too much though.. Start with a couple tablespoons until you’ve reached your desired thickness! 

7. Smoothie Add-in

This is probably my favorite tip because I’ve been staying up with Chloe for the past few days. I won’t be having much time to make any puddings, but this way is super easy and effortless. Whenever Allen makes me my green juice in the morning, I can just top off my smoothie with these chia seeds! (Or blend it in.) Now my smoothie is packed with nutrients, yum.

And there you have it, 7 different ways to eat chia seeds! Which tip will you guys be using first?