Beauty 9 years ago

5 French Beauty Tips

Traveling is all about learning new things and expanding your horizons. Some people like to try new and exotic foods when they travel, but me? I like to discover beauty tips! (Okay, and food too! ) One of the things I love about France is that the women I meet are very effortless and chic. They always look very put together and aside from the occasional bold lip, their look is very simple and beautiful. When I think of beauty, I think of effortless and natural. In short, the French woman! So here are my 5 tips to achieving the perfect french beauty look!

1. Watch Your Diet

Your face is one of the first things people see when they look at you so you have to take care of it! What I appreciate about the food here is that the portions aren’t very big and the food isn’t heavy. Although bread is served at every meal, I think I’ve only see about one gym so far! In France it’s pretty easy to get around via metro, and walking is a lot more healthy for your body to burn off the calories! So if you’re trying to lose weight, remember that controlling your portions and regular exercise would do better for your face than going to the extreme and doing a crazy diet! When you go on crazy diets, sure you can lose weight, but at what cost? Those extreme diets can make your face look extremely gaunt. My tips? Cut out simple carbs, cut down on sweets and fried food! Make sure you give your body the nutrients it needs. The best way to look beautiful is to treat your body well and be natural!

2. Go Easy on the Makeup

For French women, beauty is all about being the best version of themselves. In order to do that, they have to keep good care of the base. From their skin to their hair and nails, French women take meticulous care of themselves, so that the primping process of doing their hair and makeup is minimal. The French woman hardly uses eyeliner and contouring. If you were to look inside the typical French woman’s makeup bag, she’d probably have a good concealer, blush, and some oh-so-chic red lipstick. I love how clean and effortless the French woman’s make up is. It’s really refreshing in comparison to full faced American look!

3. Maintenance Starts Now

Anytime you open a magazine or watch a commercial in the US, you’ll see an ad talking about anti-aging, right? These ads are usually targeted to a more mature audience. But in France, skincare is ‘in’ for all ages. From having a great sunscreen to an anti-aging regimen, the French woman have been preparing to fight wrinkles since she was a teenager. It’s all about preparation and maintenance! If you take good care of your skin at a young age, you won’t have as much to worry about later in life!

4. Relax & Enjoy Yourself

One thing about Paris is that the pace of life is so much more calm and slow. I love it because slowing down makes me appreciate my surroundings so much more and opens up more avenues of inspiration. The French and European lifestyle in general differs from the American lifestyle in that they take pleasure in enjoying life. Whether it’s taking a walk by the Seine or enjoying a cup of espresso at a cafe, the name of the game is always to enjoy! Isn’t stress the biggest contributor to premature aging? So next time you find yourself stressed out, remember to take a step back and do something for yourself. A positive and happy soul can radiate more beauty than a day at the spa!

5. Don’t Wash Your Hair

Okay, wash your hair, but not everyday. Too much washing can strip your hair of their natural oils and leave it even more oily! For the French woman, it’s about texture. They tend to shy away from very American things such as blow-outs or straighteners, and prefer a much more natural look. It’s that bed-head, lived-in look you see all over the runways! So the next time you reach for your hair dryer, think twice! Or check out my lazy day hair tips for inspiration! Like I said in my 7 favorite hair products post, this Oribe Texture Spray is the best! Not to mention it smells amazing and leaves my hair super soft. Lately I’ve also been obsessed with the Klorane Dry Shampoo, It makes my hair feel natural and gives me that perfect French girl texture!

There you have it! Five amazing French Beauty Secrets! Everyone knows that beauty starts from within, but in an age of so much criticism and self-hate, that’s easy to forget. The French woman’s best beauty weapon is confidence. They love the skin they’re in, and you should too! Which tip are you going to try first?


Photography by Karen Rosalie