Okay, think of all the things that you could do in 5 minutes. Listen to a great song? Clean out the trash from your purse? Scroll through Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest/Tumblr etc.? Now think about using those simple 5 minutes to do something you’ll thank yourself for later. With a schedule as crazy and unpredictable as mine, keeping up with my fitness routine is getting harder and harder to do. So this year, I don’t have some crazy New Year’s Resolution (read my resolutions here!) to go to the gym 5 times a week that I know I can’t keep. Instead, I have a 5 Minute Fitness Commitment that I can do every day. It’s a quick and easy routine that I can do just about anywhere (no weights or fancy gym required)! Just good old fashioned blood, sweat, and tears. (Minus the blood and tears.)
Jumping jacks are great for cardio and getting your heart rate up! I like to do a couple sets before I start the rest of my mini-workout to get my blood flowing! They help me get pumped and wake up my muscles.
Sit-ups, crunches, ab killers, whatever you call them- they’re the magic makers. Combine a sit-up with your legs extended in and out and you’ve got yourself a great little workout. I try to do as many as I can to a chorus of whatever song I’m loving at the moment! (PS: If you sing along it goes by faster!)
Also great for cardio, knee touches are like a standing crunch while running in place! Double duty (which is great) and you can add a little extra burn by doing them on your tippy-toes!
Oh, squats. I have a love/hate relationship with squats. I know my butt will never match that of Kim K. or JLO, but a girl can dream, right? The important thing to remember is to tone what you have, and I want this lil butt of mine looking fine for 2017!
And there you have it! My 5 Minute Fitness Commitment. I try to do each move for a minute each, to total my 5 minutes. Remember, I’m not a fitness expert, I’m just a girl, standing in front of a pair of jeans, asking them to make my butt look good. So put on your workout jams, grab a friend and get your 5-minute sweat on! You’ll thank yourself later, I promise.
Photography by Drew ScottWhat do YOU think?
35 responses to “My 5 Minute Fitness Commitment”

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this looks perfect i try it out xo
Absolutely love this post!!! I really like that outfit too 🙂
Try planking too and squats too! They work extremely well for me 🙂
Good for you! This workout is perfect and looks like fun! I am inspired – thank you!
What a fabulous way to get going!
oh, be carful of your knee when you are doing squats in a wrong way.
peace, xo
These are great tips and totally doable! Thank you for sharing!
P.s. LOVE the GIFs!
Megan at Lush to Blush
Oh I love this! I still have time to go to the gym nowadays, but this’ll be so handy in the upcoming months when I can’t. I LOVE your gym wear, Chriselle!
I love this! I rarely have time to actually go to the gym but i definitely have time to do something small like this everyday.
I love your commitment to fitness in 2017. However, to avoid injuries, please make sure your squat form is correct. Your knee should never go past your toes when you squat down! Without proper form, you won’t get proper results.
Such a great post! Gorgeous outfit.
XOXO, Ashley
I just finished my first semester of college and am determined to reverse the Freshman 15 curse! Will definitely try these tips out come spring semester.
Thanks for sharing!
xx, Jo
I’m in college and have no time to go to the gym to get a good workout in. However, I can definitely take 5 minutes out of my morning when I first get out of bed to do this workout! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Chriselle!
Thank you for sharing 🙂
I think maybe you should have a session with a personal trainer? Rather than benefits from the exercises,you’re going to cause yourself injury if you continue with the technique you used for some of those moves! (star jumps, push ups, sit ups and ESPECIALLY those squats haha)
This is perfect for travel, all things you can do in a hotel! Good luck with your new resolutions 🙂
xx nicole
Love your post always!! U inspire me!!
Great exercise and demo!! Thanks for sharing!
oooo i should try this!
OMG this is brilliant! I love the idea. I always feel so guilty for not working out enough, but this routine I can do and at least get my heart pumping for 5 minutes.
I am a fan of your fashion but in fitness you need a professional to host on your blog or one to teach you proper technique. You can injure yourself especially on those squats. Others look at this for inspiration and may think this are correct techniques but they are NOT. Please remove your post or host a professional to correct them for you and show the do’s and don’ts of working our instead. I am afraid you aren’t a regular of fitness routines and that is okay, not everyone is discipline enough which is what it takes to work out successfully. Dont use false information to add content to your blog because that is a sure way to lose your followers.
Please find a professional to teach you proper technique on your squats. This should not be on your website. You could injure your knees or someone else could injure themselves trying to imitate you. It’s not safe if you continue working out that way. And don’t act like you know what you’re doing and trying to teach others if you clearly have no idea.
This is actually a very good & practical idea. With this, i am afraid anyone’s can’t come up with the excuse of not having time for work out…hahaha. Anyways wishing you a fit & energetic 2017 <3
xoxo Eva | http://www.evakindles.com
Great workout tips dear!
Hahaha omg you need to maybe get a professional to show you how the exercises are done properly please this is a joke. I’m a fan but I don’t think this is good enough. Seriously ask a professional to teach you correct movement to achieve the full benefits of the excersize and not to injure your self and others please.
Hi Chriselle!
I have somewhat similar exercise resolutions too! Let’s fighting!
P.S. Your squats need a little fine-tuning. Knees should not go beyond your feet and your butt should stick out more. That way you’ll work your glutes more. 🙂
Happy new year!
I love it! My goal is to workout more this year. I really like the 5 minute workout idea. Definitely something I would love to try! 🙂
Hot mama! Love this workout gear <3
Enclothed Cognition
Love the gear!
Typically Linda || Instagram
Great fitness and wellness post! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, what do you use to make these amazing gifs?
Caitlin, Beauty & Colour
Ahhh I’m in love with this post, Chriselle! <3 🙂 Thank you os much for sharing! I know how busy working/blogging can get, and I can't imagine how much more hectic it must be as a mother, so this 5 minute workout is perfect (especially for people without a lot of stamina, like me LOL)! Can't wait to try it out later!
XO, Elizabeth
This is a great idea, something really achievable and actually a great exercise too 🙂 This is something I really should work towards too
Mel x
[…] spare five minutes to do something you’ll thank yourself for later. from The Chriselle Factorhttps://thechrisellefactor.com/2017/01/5-minute-fitness-commitment/ from Tumblr […]
Thank you so much for this perfect workout inspiration! Totally following your lead!
I like this post very much … Love to exercise but in reality, there’s not so much time in a day to do it all. This is a parfait short and easy routine to do. I will definitely try these out! 🙂
Merci for sharing!
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