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6 Tips to Make a Small Space Look Larger

Sometimes the smallest spaces can have the biggest style! I’m so happy to have Kathy Kuo back on the blog today to share with us her 6 tips to make a small space look larger. If you haven’t seen her latest posts, check them out here and here! Enjoy!

featured image via Nordic Designs
above image via Nordic Designs

1. Give Your Furniture Room to Breathe

Just like last week’s post, sometimes the best advice is the simplest. Edit your space. Keeping countertops and tables free of clutter creates sight lines that trick the eye into perceiving more available room. You may be surprised at how much bigger your home feels if you just donate a few pieces of furniture. Choose furniture that makes sense as well. If your coffee table takes up way too much floor space for your small living area, opt for a scaled-down rectangular coffee table or an ottoman instead. Another common mistake we see in smaller apartments is to have all of the furniture shoved against the walls. This doesn’t necessarily guarantee a larger room, and it draws attention to the limited parameters of your apartment. Instead, try floating your sofa out from the wall, which will give the appearance of more space.

image via refinery29.com

2. Paint with Light Colors

While we enjoy the richness of dark and moody rooms, they don’t work well in small spaces. Stick to whites, creams, or pale blues and grays to keep your space airy and open and to maximize light. Farrow and Ball’s All-White and Slipper Satin are two of our small space go-tos.

image via Nordic Designs

3. Choose Versatile Pieces

Investing in furniture with multiple functions is a great way to save on space. Use a trunk as an end table or go for an ottoman or bench with built-in storage as an easy way to keep books, blankets, remotes, or anything else from taking up space.

left image designed by Sally Wheat Interiors
right image via zoominteriors.com

4. Embrace Mirror Magic

This is a common interior design trick … and for a good reason: It always works. Mirrors are the easiest way to open up a room and create the illusion of space. Lean a floor mirror against a key wall, or hang multiple wall-mounted mirrors salon-style above the sofa. Need help deciding which mirror type suits your design style? You can read our more detailed article on mirrors here.

left image via prestonbailey.com
right image via Nordic Designs

5. Opt for Acrylic

If you read our guide on hard goods, you’ll learn that acrylic is one of our favorite materials because it offers a chic and modern look. Our acrylic coffee tables, bar carts, and chairs are some of our top-selling items. But they’re also fantastic solutions for small spaces because they don’t block out light or your line of sight. 

top image via Nordic Designs
bottom image via apartmenttherapy.com

6. Ditch the Drapes

You might have noticed that all of these tips are about tricking the eyes. Curtains and drapes block the eyes from seeing outside and automatically create a sense of enclosure. Eliminate the curtains, and your space will look simpler and much more open. If you live at ground level or privacy is a priority for you, consider shutters, sheer curtains, or use a bar that extends beyond your window frame so you can fully expose your windows whenever you’d like.