My average morning starts off at 5 a.m. I am usually awake an hour before CloClo is and try to squeeze in some quiet “me time.” I’ll do my 5 Minute Fitness Commitment, make some coffee or tea (or my detox smoothie!) and try to read something for 20 minutes before making breakfast. After I drop CloClo off at school is when my usual hour long commute to the office begins. I got really tired of listening to the same songs over and over again and have been taking full advantage of that commute to make it have a really positive and meaningful impact on my mornings… AKA I’ve been super obsessed with Podcasts! I’ve been telling the #CINCTeam every week which Podcasts I’m currently obsessed with and since they were all super into them, I decided to share my top favorites with you! Keep scrolling to see what my current faves are. I’ve linked them all below and they’re also available on Apple if you have an iPhone!
This podcast is really good for curious people to help understand how they fit into our world and human behavior. It will make you think twice about your unconscious mind and what your psyche is really all about through a bit of science and storytelling. There is a specific episode that I listened to that really spoke to me. It was Episode 53: Embrace the Chaos. It talks about how sometimes chaos and what we think is a “disaster” may work to our benefit without us knowing. I found it incredibly helpful and relatable with my given chaotic schedule everyday.
This one is SO great for creatives. If you’re a creative person (which we all are even if you think you’re not), it really talks you through points on how to be more productive, different ways of thinking and challenging yourself in different environments. I especially loved the episode that talked about creating “deep work.” I’ve not only gone through all the episodes, but I’ve replayed a few of them because it has helped me in so many ways with work. It has challenged me to think outside of the box and to continue to grow in my field. I think I’ve told every person in the office to listen to this podcast because it is so beneficial for all of us!
3. So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
We’re always looking for better ways on how we can budget and save, right? This podcast is great for creating a financial strategy, attainable real-life goals and how to essentially how to master your money! I’ve learned more about investing, IRAs, how much to save and why… it’s almost like having your own financial advisor geared towards working women! This is stuff most people won’t tell you.
4. Magic Lessons with Elisabeth Gilbert
This is the most recent podcast that I’ve been obsessing over. It’s about fostering your creativity by living a creative life that pushes out fear. You may recognize her name as she was the author of Eat, Pray, Love! This podcast has made such a positive impact on my life. Hearing other women/men go through similar life struggles and how they are working through it is so empowering. This is a great podcast for any dream chasers out there. Incredibly uplifting and powerful.
Are you a fan of Podcasts? Are there any Podcasts you’ve been loving lately? Let me know in the comments below!
Photography by Drew ScottWhat do YOU think?
23 responses to “My Top 4 Favorite Podcasts for my Commute”

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Thanks so much for sharing these podcasts Chriselle! I’m a huge podcast lover too and even wrote a post about it last year. My current faves are the Him & Her podcast by The Skinny Confidential which I’m sure you know, the Lewis Howes podcasts (motivational/personal development, focuses on entrepreneurship a lot) and How I built this (once again mostly for entrepreneurs). Always love your work my dear! xo
I love Magic Lessons
Girl’s girl podcast.
It’s a podcast run by Brittany Gibbons (the fabulost writer of ‘Fat Girl Walking: Sex, Food, Love, and Being Comfortable in Your Skin…Every Inch of It’). Her target audience is not a specific kind of woman, rather it’s about women empowerment…by other women. And also, it’s about anything and everything a modern woman can be confronted, excited or intrigued by.
If you have the time, Chriselle (and anyone else reading this comment)… Look it up. It’s worth it. It’s the podcast that got me hooked on listening to podcasts in general.
This is pure coincidence. I just installed podcast on my phone today and looking for interesting topics to follow. I will definitely check them out one by one. Thanks for sharing Chriselle.
Definitely want to try these recommendations! I have also a commute I think this could be well spent listening.
Absolutely love this and am so intrigued to add Accidental Creative to the list!
Absolutely love it!
Mireia from TGL
Always love your posts 😉
I have only recently realised just how incredible podcasts are! I’m making it a goal of mine to listen to more content and I’m starting off with Magic Lessons – thank you for the suggestion! ♥
Amy // Snippets of Amy
Thanks so much for these suggestions, I too am sick of listening to the same songs on my one hour commute. Will definitely be checking some of these out! xx
Frances Kayleigh | Beauty Fashion Lifestyle
I’m obsessed with podcasts, but haven’t heard of any of these! Will definitely be checking them out-they sound so interesting especially The Hidden Brain.
I love listening to podcasts when I work out x
Jessica — NinetyCo
I barely have a commute, but really want to get into podcasts. I’m thinking of taking slow Saturdays or Sundays to accommodate that and will start listening. there are a few I’ve noted recently and adding the budget/finance one to the list! Thanks! x
I love stuff mom never told you, but since they stopped recording, I really needed something new to listen to! Thank you for what seems like really great tips.
Love these!
I’ve definitely been wanting to listen to more Podcasts because there are so many interesting topics that are discussed. Loving all of the ones that you shared, especially the ones about creatives! 🙂 <3 Definitely something I think we can all relate to! Thank you so much for sharing!
XO, Elizabeth
I need to check those. i’m getting tired of the same songs too
The Color Palette
just subscribed to the accidental creative + magic lessons! x
I love magic lessons too! Thanks for sharing Chriselle =)
Really great options! I rarely listen to podcasts, but #4 is inspiring me to listen to some podcasts again. 🙂
You look so beautiful!
Your daily inspiration and motivation on
I really love podcasts! I’m actually on the process of creating my own so I’m looking for podcasts talking about that, but still didn’t find one that was really my thing yet.
Now I am really into podcasts for creatives as I am a creative looking for my path. Recently I’ve discovered ‘Make It Happen’ by Jen Carrington, a british coach for entrepreuneurs and through her interviews I’m feeling AND learning. Sometimes it’s so interesting I just sit and take notes!
Thank you for all the great recommendations!
[…] impact on my mornings… AKA I’ve been super obsessed with Podcasts! from The Chriselle Factor from Tumblr […]