Fashion 7 years ago

How to Brighten Up Your Winter Looks

When you think of a winter color palette, you probably think of a lot of neutral colors, right? Well this winter, I want to challenge you to add a little color to your life! A few weeks ago, Chloe had her holiday recital with school and she asked for yellow roses, and suddenly I’m seeing (and loving)  yellow everywhere! So why not add a little mellow yellow sunshine to your dreary winter day?

[parallax] [/parallax]

This shade of yellow in particular will always take me back to my trip to Italy last summer. It’s somehow light and airy yet mangages to be warm and cozy all at the same time! I paired this sweater (check it out here) with a pair of chic leather pants (like these) and some booties to complete my look!

What do you guys think of this mellow yellow look for the winter? Let me know in the comments below and have a great weekend!


Photography by Morgane Lay