Fashion 10 years ago

How to Take Care of Your Boots

Now that fall is here, it’s time to bring out the boots to welcome the newย season. Here are some tips I have to take care of your boots to be fall ready!

1. A Small Dab of Olive Oil

A little trick I like to use to give my leather booties a little more shine is a using olive oil. Apply a SMALL amount on a towel / wipe to give your boots that shiny finish! The great thing about using olive oil is that it’s an organic method and after a few days the shine will fade so it’s not permanent if you decide you don’t like it.

2. Keep Your Shoeboxes

While I love lining up my shoes in a row because there’s just something so satisfactory about seeing them together, I also like to keep some of my more expensive shoes in their boxes. That way, they’re stored properly and kept in the best condition possible!

3. Stuff Your Shoes

Be sure to stuff your taller boots when you’re not wearing them so they maintain their shape. Doing this will make sure the fabric of the shoes aren’t bending or getting damaged. And the boots will look sleeker when you’re wearing them too!

4. Use a Welt Brush

This is my least favorite part of boot up-keeping, but brushing off the dirt and random specks can keep the fabric of your boot from permanently staining or damaging the leather. The bristles of this brush can also help to make the leather shinier!

5. Use 50/50 Lemon & Water

When my shoes get dirty, I like using a 50/50 mixture of lemon juice and water to wipe them down. The acidity in the lemon helps break down the dirt and grime so your shoes will be as good as new!

We spend so much time picking out our shoes that we should also put in the same effort to take care of them too. What are some tips you guys have to take care of your boots?