Fashion 11 years ago


photography by Jana Williams 

As it was ( and still is) extremely cold in NY, I thought it would make complete sense for me to buy to statement coat my last trip to NY (HERE), but of course the minute I landed back in LA it was still in the 80’s. Not that i’m complaining at all, but I couldnt find a reason to where this coat out here in LA until yesterday. The minute I woke up yeterday, and saw the temperature drop, I immediately pulled this jacket out.

Speaking of statement pieces, lets take a minute to talk about these Nine West embellished black pumps. As I talked about the importance in having a pair of pointy pumps HERE, these pair are a great edgy alternative to the basic pump. With all the holiday festivities I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate than a pair of  statement shoes. These glitter pumps are another great festive pair of shoes, and HERE I show you  3 different ways to style these pumps. Hope you enjoy the video HERE, and will keep you dazzling all night long!


COAT- Stella Mccartney (Similar HERE)

Trousers- Lovers + Friends x Monica Rose

Sweater- Theonne

Sunglasses- Celine (Similar HERE)

Purse- Merci Fortune

Shoes- Nine West